


  • Yoga支架
  • 画笔
  • 画布


  1. Choose a figure to draw. Start with a simple shape, such as a circle, triangle, or square.
  2. Position the figure on the yoga支架. Make sure that the center of the figure is directly over the midpoint of the yoga支架.
  3. Draw the outline. Use a pencil to lightly sketch the outline of the figure on the yoga支架.
  4. Add details. Once you have the outline, add details to the figure. This could include lines, curves, or shapes.
  5. Fill in the details. Use a pencil to fill in the details of the figure.
  6. Draw the hair. If you want to add hair, draw it separately and attach it to the figure.
  7. Add any other accessories. Draw any other accessories, such as a hat, scarf, or necklace.
  8. Sign your masterpiece. Once you are finished, sign your masterpiece and hang it up to dry.


  • Use a light pencil so that you can easily erase any mistakes.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes and sizes.
  • Have fun and be creative!