


  • Yoga chair or bench
  • Pencil
  • Watercolor or acrylic paint
  • Canvas or other surface


  1. Draw a design: Use the pencil to sketch a design on the canvas or surface where you want to attach the yoga chair. This could be a flower, a bird, or any other image that represents your practice.

  2. Attach the yoga chair: Place the yoga chair on the floor and secure it with the straps or ropes. Make sure the chair is stable and will not move around while you are painting.

  3. Prepare the canvas: Cover the floor with a drop cloth or newspaper to protect it from paint spills.

  4. Start painting: Use the watercolor or acrylic paint to fill in the design on the canvas. Be creative and experiment with different colors and techniques.

  5. Add details: Once the paint is dry, add details to the design, such as flowers, leaves, or other elements.

  6. Let it dry: Allow the painting to dry completely.

  7. Attach the yoga chair: Once the painting is dry, attach the yoga chair to the canvas using the straps or ropes. Make sure the chair is securely attached and will not move around.

  8. Display: Hang the painting in a place where you can enjoy it and reflect on your practice.


  • Use a light-colored pencil so that you can easily erase any mistakes.
  • Start with a simple design and gradually add complexity.
  • Experiment with different colors and techniques to create a unique piece of art.
  • Be patient and allow the painting to dry completely before attaching the yoga chair.