瑜伽的英文怎么写,瑜伽的好处 英语



瑜伽的英文是:yogo 名词 :lustre of gems—virtues; 例句:It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health. 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。 扩展资料   Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.   许多忙碌的主管开始练习瑜伽和冥想   短语:   

1、yoga mat 瑜珈垫   

2、Karma Yoga 业瑜伽   

3、Yoga Lounge 瑜伽漫步   

4、Yoga Therapy 瑜伽疗法。

瑜伽的好处 英语

2、瑜伽的好处 英语

Why is yoga more and more people like?(瑜伽的好处) This is not only yoga culture's unique charm, but also as one of the most natural and most amiable of the practice, it is suitable for any age and gender of the person exercises. Let us open a yoga "mystery" of the veil, to approaching yoga, contact yoga, sentiment yoga, yoga has brought us a taste of the many benefits of bar. First: Yoga can be Body of self-cultivation. Yoga can be corrected due to * always tired or poor posture resulting from spinal deformation can improve bad posture, enhance self-confidence, thrust muscular system, so that lines the body beautiful, and has anti-obesity, enhance self-healing power, the prevention of diseases, such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and so on. Second: yoga can do for us to support hearts decompression. Yoga can help us to improve the ability to concentrate, relieve tension, alleviate depression, eliminate psychological barriers and restore inner peace, peace, people's state of mind in good health. Third: Yoga can be conditioning beauty. Yoga by pushing, pulling, twisting, squeezing, stretching, and other gestures of self-massage of the internal organs play a role, to strengthen physiological functions, endocrine regulation, so that a better body metabolism, anti-aging, beautiful the face of eternal youthTo learn the benefits of hip-hop?。



瑜伽的英文是:yogo 名词 :lustre of gems—virtues; 例句:It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health. 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。 扩展资料   Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.   许多忙碌的主管开始练习瑜伽和冥想   短语:   

1、yoga mat 瑜珈垫   

2、Karma Yoga 业瑜伽   

3、Yoga Lounge 瑜伽漫步   

4、Yoga Therapy 瑜伽疗法。



做瑜伽英语:Do yoga。瑜伽(yoga),源于古印度文化,义为探寻“梵我1如”的道理与方法,古印度6大哲学派别中有瑜伽派。而现代人所称的瑜伽主要指1系列的修身养心方法,包括调身的体位法、调息的呼吸法、调心的冥想法等,以达至身心合1。瑜伽分为两大类:










Why is yoga more and more people like?(瑜伽的好处) This is not only yoga culture's unique charm, but also as one of the most natural and most amiable of the practice, it is suitable for any age and gender of the person exercises. Let us open a yoga "mystery" of the veil, to approaching yoga, contact yoga, sentiment yoga, yoga has brought us a taste of the many benefits of bar. First: Yoga can be Body of self-cultivation. Yoga can be corrected due to * always tired or poor posture resulting from spinal deformation can improve bad posture, enhance self-confidence, thrust muscular system, so that lines the body beautiful, and has anti-obesity, enhance self-healing power, the prevention of diseases, such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and so on. Second: yoga can do for us to support hearts decompression. Yoga can help us to improve the ability to concentrate, relieve tension, alleviate depression, eliminate psychological barriers and restore inner peace, peace, people's state of mind in good health. Third: Yoga can be conditioning beauty. Yoga by pushing, pulling, twisting, squeezing, stretching, and other gestures of self-massage of the internal organs play a role, to strengthen physiological functions, endocrine regulation, so that a better body metabolism, anti-aging, beautiful the face of eternal youthTo learn the benefits of hip-hop?(街舞的好处)1, Tiaojie Wu people focused and interested in, action, beautiful, random. 2, hip-hop is a kind of low-intensity aerobic exercise, an hour of movement, so your full physical and psychological exercise. Moderate aerobic exercise is the best tonic, extremely good for your heart; and a strong human hematopoietic cardiac functions are strong, and on strengthening the role of the brain control still is obvious. Simply put, Tiaojie Wu of people the ability to control their own bodies more than the ordinary people eager to excel. 3, Hip-Hop is a small muscle movement, the body can promote the regular exercises to strengthen the muscles, so that the proportion of your body better. 4, hip-hop culture, this is a long time the person exercises hip-hop aesthetic capabilities are also ahead of the general public, which is nothing more than "alternative", but a people's pursuit of beauty. 5, Tiaojie Wu can greatly enhance your social skills, you can make your character even more lively, others will because your performance in power and close to you, maybe this you will become the focus of attention by people. .。



It is said that yoga is really good for people's health.。
